For Peep's Sake: Put All Your Eggs in a Basket!

 Hop to it! Put all your Eggs in a Basket! It's time to plan your Easter Tablescape, for Peep's Sake. 

Easter is almost upon us. A beautiful time to celebrate the Blessings of our Faith, the warmth of Spring's Resurrection, the excitement of an Easter Bunny's arrival and the thrill of an Easter Egg Hunt. 

A time of year when it is encouraged- nay, expected-that you buy, gift, and consume copious amounts of Chocolate while drinking equal parts Champagne. And therefore, my friends, this makes it one of my favorite times of the year.  Not because of the Chocolate & Champagne (well, not ONLY because of the Chocolate & Champagne) but because of the gatherings centered around our Faith

(Please note: Champagne is for consumption ALL YEAR LONG while Chocolate is a required DAILY nutrient. Have I not made this clear before...? Quick, repeat after me "I do not need a Holiday to drink Champagne or eat Chocolate. I just need a day of the week ending in the word DAY" ...phew, that was a close one.) ;)


Now onto creating our table. For this Egg-ceptional Easter Brunch Tablescape I used:

  1. An inexpensive Burlap runner (purchased & cut at the Fabric Store)

  2. Potted Flowers from my local nursery, as well as loose pastel roses from the grocery store's floral department. The potted flowers lined the runner along with every TeaPot, Creamer, & Sugar Bowl I've ever purchased. Inside those, I placed a mixed batch of Roses (trimmed short).

  3. Dried Moss (purchased at michaels) helped clump together the Rose Filled TeaPots, and provided a perfect place to lay a few hand painted Easter Eggs.

  4. Mix-N-Match Plates get tied together with a Gold Charger and Teal Napkins

  5. Finally, to add Easter whimsy, I filled my Silver Candelabras with Real, Raw Carrots

So hide some Easter Eggs, Pop-the-Bubbly & share in a Beautiful Brunch with Family & Friends! Then...

"Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever." Psalm 107:1

Happy Easter!