Sweet Holiday: 4 easy steps to a last minute party

I don't like Dessert Parties- said no one, everSo, here's how to throw an easy-last-minute-party that's sure to be a Sweet Success: To create a table that will showcase the always adored baked confection, I like to add varying heights to my display (done by placing sturdy boxes underneath the table cloth- think Amazon boxes from all your gift purchases). Then, I'll fill apothecary jars (or use vases) with holiday candy & scoops- this way the guests can go in for a quick sugar-fix while they mingle-n-mix.

Adding a natural element, like real Evergreen Branches or Holly, brings the elegance & completes my whimsical Holiday Dessert Table.

Trust me, I get it. The Holiday's are a non-stop flurry of hustle-n-bustle, making you feel like there just isn't enough time for, anything...but, there's always room for dessert...   

  1. Bake your favorite treats

  2. Ask your friends to do the same

  3. Create the Tablescape

  4. Pop-the-Bubbly

A SWEET success... every time!  Let's get baking...